Jiahui(Jim) Yang

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Hi! I'm Jim, a second year Master's student (MSR) in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Prof. Deepak Pathak. I'm broadly interested in robotics and AI, aiming to build robust generalist robot agents that can deploy in the real world.

Previously, I worked closely with Prof. Kevin Chen at MIT EECS, , Prof. Wei Zhang at SUSTech, and Prof. Wenzeng Zhang at Tsinghua University (now at X-Institute).

Feel free to contact me via email! You can reach me at jiahuiya -at- andrew dot cmu dot edu



Neural MP: A Policy Learning Framework for Generalist
Neural Motion Planners

Murtaza Dalal*, Jiahui Yang*, Russell Mendonca, Youssef Khaky, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Deepak Pathak
arXiv | site | code


Bimanual Dexterity for Complex Tasks
Kenneth Shaw*, Yulong Li*, Jiahui Yang, Mohan Kumar Srirama, Ray Liu, Haoyu Xiong, Russell Mendonca, Deepak Pathak
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2024


A lightweight high-voltage boost circuit for soft-actuated micro-aerial-robots
Zhijian Ren, Jiahui Yang, Suhan Kim, Yi-Hsuan Hsiao, Jeffrey Lang, Yufeng Chen,
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023


Coordinated Defense Allocation in Reach-Avoid Scenarios with Efficient Online Optimization
Junwei Liu, Zikai Ouyang, Jiahui Yang, Hua Chen, Haibo Lu, Wei Zhang,
arXiv, 2023


Parallel connecting rod mode switching parallel clamp coupling self-adaptive robot finger device
Jiahui Yang, Wenzeng Zhang,
China Patent CN216266087U, 2022

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